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Soon after the Civil War, John Storer contributed $10,000 towards establishing a college in Harpers Ferry, W. Va. This institution of higher learning was the first college below the Mason- Dixon Line to accept students "without distinction of race or color". The school bears the name of it's principle benefactor,  Storer College.

1. Engraving of John Storer of Sanford, Maine

First Row:  Mrs. Brackett, Mr. McKinney, Mr. Winters, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Ware, Mr. Peregoy. Second Row: Mrs. Lightner, Miss Simms, Miss Johnston, Miss Brady, Mrs. McDonald, Miss Brown, Mr. Peregoy.

2. Group Portrait of Faculty, Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Lewis B. Stillman, born February 14, 1863, died April 25, 1943.

3. Lewis B. Stillman, Trustee and Auditor, Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

4. Group Portrait of Students at Storer College, Harper's Ferry, W. Va.

Group shot of students in caps and gowns sitting on the Storer College lawn.

5. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1927, Harper's Ferry, W. Va.

6. Sinclair Cottage at Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

"Was this the first Storer Pennant?" Mr. Peregoy, Mrs. McDonald, Pres. McDonald, Mrs. Lightner, Mr. Ware, Miss Smith, Mr. Winters, Rev. Wood, Page, Nickens, Miss Brown, Miss Brady, Miss Sims, Frances Mcdonald, Green, Newby, Mrs. Carter, Johnson, Brown, Southall, Brunswick, Powell, Freeman.

7. Group Portrait of Storer College Faculty, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Unidentified African American man.

8. Portrait of Older Man at Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Graduates in front of building on Storer Campus. First Row: John Willson, R.H. Parker, W.A. Saunders, S.B. Ellis. Second Row: Daisy Nickens, A.L. Tollierer, Harriet Brown. Third Row: Charles Bell, N. Wiley, Pela Penick.

9. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1895, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Six students of the Storer College class of 1904 on the campus lawn in front of a building.

10. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1904, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Twelve students on the lawn of Storer College with two women holding a "Class of 1905" banner.

11. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1905, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Faculty of Storer College, 1899-1901, sitting on the front steps of a building. First Row: Miss James, Mr. McDonald, Mrs. Lightner, Miss Johnson. Second Row: Mr. Hughey, Miss Sands. Third Row: Miss Baker, Miss Smith. Not Present: Mrs. Brackett

12. Group Portrait of Storer College Faculty, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.